What did she say?

Doris, pictured above, came running into the office this week, eager to start her therapy. She’s been coming to our program at ASELSI in Guatemala for several years. You may remember part of her story, but in case you don’t I’ll share it again.

When Doris was about two years old, doctors told her mom she needed to start looking for a wheelchair. Doris would never walk. Two years ago, she started walking. Since then, none of us limit what Doris might do.

Today, Doris started back in therapy and completed her first day in Ovejitas or Jesus’ Little Lambs’ School. Ovejitas is another ministry of ASELSI, providing those with disability a chance to study and learn as they are often not able to attend  the public schools. Most public school classrooms are already too large and the teachers do not receive any special training in how to work with, let alone, integrate children with special needs in their classrooms.

As Doris glanced around the different items in the office, she finally found what she was looking for. In the process, she also told me she was looking for medicine, but I didn’t quite understand everything she tried to share with me. Her disability causes some speech problems as well.

We would love to have more regular visits by speech therapists or, even better, a full-time speech therapist come down and work with us. Until then, we will help her as we can. Friends with Health Talents International, another ministry in the area, have a speech therapist coming in March. We hope to get her in to see their speech therapist. It may be just a one-time visit, but knowing Doris and her mom as we do, we can only imagine what that one visit will do.

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