What Are You Doing?

Image by klimkin from Pixabay

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of hearing about COVID-19. In fact, I took a break from Facebook for a while because of it. However, according to the reports, COVID-19 will be around for a while. I guess we better just hunker down and endure it, letting it run its course.

Or do we? Today, I had some personal insights that I thought I’d share with you. Maybe we can do something more. 

Since Guatemala shut down all its borders, non-essential commerce, schools, public transportation, and more just a few days after the first confirmed case and my return to Guatemala last week Tuesday, I’ve been trying to just get through this challenging time. I admit I’ve had some fears, responded with some self-protective measures, and prayed it wouldn’t affect the people here too badly. After all, since their healthcare system is already over burdened, how could they handle an outbreak like this, especially when developed nations’ health care systems haven’t been able to deal with it. 

Yesterday morning, I woke up with Proverbs 3:5-6 on my mind: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” 

These verses addressed some of my fears and helped me take my focus off the reports and stats of the disease and on the promises of God. It shifted my perspective upward and helped me be more aware and grateful for His provision in all things. I made a point to acknowledge or see His presence/provision/working in all the things I was doing throughout the day. I didn’t always succeed, but it was a change in my heart and perspective and something I want to grow in more. 

Today, I woke up with 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 on my mind: “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

I admit I’ve seen some people throwing this verse around on Facebook and I resisted it, as it felt like it was being used as believers against non-believers. However, as I read it this morning, I realized it was a call for me to do the following:

  1. Humble myself – Ask God to check my heart and show me areas where I was not living according to His word and ways, repenting of the sins of self-sufficiency and lack of faith and trust in Him.
  2. Pray – I started asking Him to teach me to pray in ways I haven’t before, asking Him to show me how to pray during this time. I found some resources that have been helping me do this.
  3. Seek His face – I asked: What are You doing in and through this and how can I be a part? 
  4. Turn from their wicked ways – I agreed with God in the areas He showed me where I was living in fear and not trusting Him and chose to follow Him.

Through it all, I felt a strong need to not just endure COVID-19, but to live in and through it. This doesn’t just include going about work or what He has called me to do, but to take some time to stand and fight. Several people from around the world are uniting in prayer and fasting, believing this is a spiritual attack. Was I willing to join in the fight or was I content to let others do the work and just let it ride out?

What would happen if believers continued to unite in pray, not just once, but until we see something happen around the globe? Could it be we have an opportunity to stand up against something that seems so massive in the spiritual realm, not just the physical realm, and see its course end without having to finish out the curve or continue the spread? Can we be like Elijah who prayed for the rain? Can we get on our hands and knees and seek God’s face and ask Him to stop this? Can we see the numbers not only diminish, but stop? Can we not only help those around us during this time, but also put an end to it all together, ahead of projected time lines and infectious predictions? 

I don’t know, but I believe He can and I will be praying He does. I pray it changes circumstances, but even if it doesn’t in the way I want, I know it will change me and those around me.  We aren’t saved just so we can go to heaven, but we are made new in Christ to be a light in a dark world and see the Kingdom of God advance in the here and now. 

We are warriors in God’s army. Are you ready to stand and fight? Don’t worry if you’re not sure how to fight, He will show you as He is showing me. 

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