The Lesson In Birthday Celebrations

Happy Birthday Delfina!

Early last year, after retuning from the states, our rehabilitation promoters at ASELSI in Chichicastenango, Guatemala, wanted to know my birthdate. A few weeks later, this appeared on the office wall, see picture below.

As a birthday approached, the staff would plan a special snack or lunchtime to celebrate each person’s birthday. For most of the staff it was a snack and cake, but for Shesita, our Guatemalan physical therapist, and me it was a traditional lunch of pepian (a stewed based chicken dish with potatoes and vegetables served over rice and with tamalitos).  I think the best birthday surprise was for our local worker who usually headed up planning the birthday celebrations. Her birthday fell on a week when the therapy program was closed so the staff planned her celebration the week before. The celebration caught her completely by surprise. There might have been a few tears in her eyes.

This past week, we celebrated Delfina’s birthday with cake and tostadas during our break time in the morning. It was a delightful time and a reminder of many important lessons we’ve learned from our amazing team over the years. Birthday celebrations mean so much to us. They’ve taught us the following, and more: 

1.    Birthdays are important and a great way to thank and celebrate each member of the team.

2.    Birthdays remind us of the need to take time to celebrate the victories, joys, and accomplishments along the way before pushing on to the next thing. 

3.    Birthdays help us remember it is first and foremost about relationships, not projects or things.  First, our relationship with God and second, our relationship with others. 

So today I’m thankful for our staff and the lessons they continue to teach me. I’m thankful they’ve helped us realize the importance of birthdays and so much more. Therapy Clinics International does not work without them, so I’m looking forward to the next birthday. 

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