The God Who Cares For and Sees Others

Two weeks ago I talked about how God cares for and God sees you. I’ve spent more time thinking about this over the last few days. I find myself drawn to the fact that because the Israelites knew that God was concerned about them and “had seen their misery, (so) they bowed down and worshiped” (Exodus 4:31 NLT). It made me wonder, how can we, like Moses and Aaron, be used by God so that others know that God sees them and cares for them.

I was reminded of another story during my time at my home church in Corpus Christi. After going two years without a TV, I had purchased a small one with a VHS and DVD player to prepare for some teachings I was doing with the Bible school. One evening we had some missionaries from Oaxaca, Mexico, coming to speak with us. I don’t remember how I even got to this point, but I felt I needed to ask the wife if they could use my TV. Not sure where this was coming from, but wanting to be obedient, I went and asked if she might like it.

Like it? She was thrilled! They had started a library and were needing a TV for some more things they wanted to do in the library. She wanted to confirm I really wanted to give her my TV. I knew I did. I immediately went home to get the TV for her. God had seen and heard her, but He used me to show his care and concern.

Imagine what it would be like if we sought daily to help those around us know that God sees and God cares for them. How does God want to use you so that others will know He sees and cares for them, so they too can bow down and worship Him?

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