Easter 2020

He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

As we culminate this time of Lent with Easter or Resurrection Sunday, depending upon your preference, we realize much in our lives and around the world has changed quickly in the last few weeks and months. This likely isn’t the way we imagined to be celebrating Easter, with online services and without our family. Easter isn’t the same. 

How we’re celebrating Easter may be different this year, but the truth and promises of all it entails hold just as true this year as they did last year and will next year. All of God’s promises remain the same because He does not change. Our circumstance may change, but He does not. 

There is much uncertainty around the world. When will this end, how many more people will get sick and die, when will the stay- at-home time end, and what will be the long-term consequences? 

I don’t know and I’m okay with that because I don’t need to know. The Creator of the universe, God himself, knows all these things. He has not abandoned us or forsaken us. His promises have not changed. He is our provider and comfort and all we need. Times like this, at least for me, reveal where I’ve been putting my hope and trust in other things. 

Yes, this Easter is different. We don’t have physical therapy students in Guatemala as we planned, there are no processions and colorful carpets as in years past, and I’m staying home instead of out doing training sessions and working in clinics. They’ve all been closed.Despite the changes, God’s promises remain the same. I can take any of my fears and worries and remind myself what God says. The mission has not changed either. I can still love God and love people. And when this has passed, we will get back to what we were doing before, possibly in new and different ways. 

I hope it’s not life as normal, but one like the disciples after Pentecost experienced, empowered by the Holy Spirit. I don’t want to go back to life as it was but to move forward in the fullness of what He has for us.

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