Browse Month: October 2019

Tomasa’s Experience Working With Adults

Tomasa learning how to work with adult patients.

Tomasa started working in the therapy program at ASELSI about eight years ago. Initially scared she would hurt a child as she worked with them in therapy, she saw her confidence begin to grow as she saw children get better with her tender care. A few years later, we invited her to learn how to work with the adult patients as well. It is from her experience working with adults, that she wanted to share with you today.

“I’ve had the opportunity to work with many adult patients following a fracture. Many come in scared and discouraged. They want a pill or injection to help them get stronger and recover. I tell them if there were such a thing the doctor would give it to them, but they’ve been sent for physical therapy. I encourage them to do the different activities we teach them and, in time, they will see a change.

Little by little it happens. They may start out using a wheelchair, then walk with a walker. In no time they are using a cane and many return to walking without anything, as they did before. Their discouragement disappears and they regain hope each step of the way. When they finish their therapy sessions, they are so thankful for the help.

Recently, a woman who had swelling on her leg for years came to the clinic. I remember noticing it the first time she came in. It never went away. During her last therapy session, I noticed it was gone and asked her about it. She said she didn’t know when it happened, but after her previous therapy session, while walking up the hill, she noticed it was gone. She didn’t know how or when it happened, but she was so thankful.

I don’t know if it the exercises we gave her worked,  our prayers were answered, or both, but she was so happy. I’m so thankful to be part of this program, to see discouragement turn to joy and gratitude, and  to be part of the changes in the patients as they do their exercises.