Browse Month: February 2018

This Day

The first night I slept great. The next morning I awoke at 3:30 am and never went back to sleep. The third night I couldn’t get to sleep until after midnight. Waking up later than I like the next morning, I started the day lethargic, grumpy and unmotivated. Could I just start over?

It wasn’t insomnia, but jet lag, the “joy” of international travel. Not liking how the day went, I decided the next morning I’d get up at my normal time, regardless of what time I went to sleep. If I needed a short nap during the day, I’d have a chance after lunch or I’d just go to sleep earlier that night.

The next morning, before my alarm sounded, I woke up thinking:

“This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24, NLT).

As I kept repeating the verse in my mind, the words this and day captured my heart and thoughts. This day, the only thing I’m promised. Time, the most limited commodity. How would I spend it?

Today, This day, I chose to:

  1. Be intentional
    1. In my time with Him
    2. Relationships
    3. Work
  2. Be present to
    1. His working around me
    2. People around me
  3. Be diligent
    1. Not to worry
    2. Letting go of the past
    3. Living in His present love, grace, and forgiveness

This day! What will you do with it?

If you have a minute I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you live in the moment.  Thanks for sharing.