Browse Month: April 2011

A Miracle Before Our Eyes

Martita using her hands like shes never done before.

Martita has schizencephaly (severe brain damage) and autism. Most recently, a team of therapists commented that her intolerance to allow others to touch her hands and her constant self-stimulation with her hands were concerns and possible limitations for future progress. The majority of health care professionals have similar concerns of the potential of this young girl.

However, our professional opinions are often not in agreement with the plans of God. A week later, I returned to work and to my surprise found her playing with a container of plastic eggs. She was grabbing them with her hands and moving them around. As I thought about the improbabilities of this, I heard a still, small voice say, “I am performing a miracle right before your eyes.”

God reminded me of His promise to bring healing to the people here through our work. This reminder has encouraged us to continue praying for the children and their families. Will you pray with us?